18th March, 2024
● Habitat: Deserts of North Africa and the Middle East ● Water-wise: These graceful gazelles can live their entire lives without drinking! They get moisture from the plants they eat and have efficient kidneys to minimize water loss.
● Habitat: Deserts of Africa and Asia ● Water-wise: Camels aren't just water storage tanks – their humps store fat! This fat can be metabolized for energy and releases water as a byproduct. Also, camels can regulate their body temperature to reduce sweating.
● Habitat: Sahara Desert ● Water-wise: This desert antelope has broad hooves to navigate the sand and absorbs moisture from its food. They minimize activity during the day's heat, reducing the need for water-wasting cooling mechanisms
● Habitat: North African Desert ● Water-wise: Those huge ears aren't just cute – they help dissipate heat. They also have highly efficient kidneys and get most of their moisture from prey like insects and rodents.
● Habitat: Arabian and African desert ● Water-wise: Experts in staying cool! They can raise their body temperature to avoid sweating, and their nasal passages are designed to recapture moisture from exhaled breath.
● Habitat: Namib Desert, Africa ● Water-wise: This clever beetle harvests fog! Bumps on its shell collect water droplets from coastal fog, funneling the water directly into its mouth
● Habitat: North American desert ● Water-wise: They don't sweat and produce super-concentrated urine, minimizing water loss. Their desert diet provides just enough moisture for survival.
● Habitat: Australian desert ● Water-wise: This spiky lizard is a water-collecting machine! Tiny grooves on its skin channel dew and rainwater directly to its mouth for a drink.