10 Deadliest Bridge Collapses In History

6th April, 2024


● Bridge failures throughout history have resulted in shocking death tolls. ● We'll explore 10 of the most catastrophic bridge collapses ever recorded.

● 4,000+ death ● Bridge collapsed under the weight of fleeing civilians during the Napoleonic Wars

Ponte das Barcas, Portugal (1809)

● 1,400+ death ● Collapse during a religious festival

Eitaibashi Bridge, Japan (1807)

● 226 death ● Soldiers marching in step caused fatal resonance

Angers Bridge, France (1850)

● 151 death ● The train plunged into a river moments after a lahar-weakened bridge collapsed

Tangiwai Disaster, New Zealand (1953)

● 79 death ● Overcrowding from a traveling circus's performance led to the collapse

Yarmouth Suspension Bridge, England (1845)

● 75 death ● Poor engineering caused the partially built bridge to fall.

Quebec Bridge, Canada  (1907)

● 46 death ● The train crashed through a burning bridge

Dixon Bridge Disaster, Illinois (1873)

● 46 death ● A design flaw caused a chain reaction collapse during rush hour.

Silver Bridge, Ohio (1967)

● 43 death ● Structural issues led to a sudden highway collapse

Morandi Bridge, Italy (2018)

● 35 Death ● A ship collision in poor visibility brought down the bridge.

Sunshine Skyway Bridge, Florida (1980)