12th March, 2024
● Camouflage: To blend into their surroundings for hunting or avoiding predators. ● Warning: Bright colors can signal predators that the snake is venomous. ● Mimicry: Non-venomous snakes might copy dangerous species for protection. ● Mate Attraction: Some snakes become flashy when finding partners during breeding.
This dazzling green is perfect camouflage amongst the dense foliage of the rainforest. Juveniles can be bright red or yellow before turning green!
This snake's special scales create an incredible rainbow effect, especially when they catch the light. The iridescence helps with temperature regulation.
While the name says blue, they can range from gray-blue to shades of olive. These speedy snakes rely on camouflage rather than venom for survival.
One of America's most beautiful snakes, making them sadly sought-after in the illegal pet trade. Their restricted habitat puts them at great risk.
This vast, venomous species is impressive in every way.
The world's longest snake boasts a beautiful, iridescent pattern. Sadly, they are popular in the exotic skin trade, posing a threat to their populations.
Typically neon green as juveniles, but can shift to shades of blue, yellow, or even black patches upon adulthood.
Though venomous, this shy snake rarely bites. It mimics the more dangerous Arizona Coralsnake to deter predators.
These agile, non-venomous snakes are known for their fast strikes when hunting lizards and frogs.