May 4th , 2024
Electric cars (EVs) are greener than gas vehicles but have their environmental footprint. Let's look at the not-so-green side.
Dirty Process: Mining lithium and other materials for batteries is energy-intensive and can cause pollution.
Power Matters: If your grid relies on coal, your EV's emissions aren't zero; they shift upstream.
Still, Factories: Building EVs, like all cars, creates emissions. Gains are offset over their longer lifespan.
Road Dust: EVs are often heavier, meaning potentially greater tire wear, which releases microparticles into the air.
Copper & More: Increased EV demand means increased mining of various metals, impacting landscapes and water.
Battery End-of-Life: Efficient recycling of large EV batteries is still developing, and waste is a future concern.
Space & Roads: EVs still contribute to traffic and the need for road infrastructure, which has environmental costs.
New Car = Impact: Even green ones. Upgrading your old car when it works fine has environmental costs.
Who Can Afford Them? Access to greener tech is unequal, raising questions of environmental justice.
Beyond Cars: True sustainability requires walkable cities and public transit, not just switching what powers our vehicles.