7 Fun Facts About Canada

17th April, 2024


Ho Ho Ho: Canada has a real postal code for letters to Santa Claus: H0H 0H0

1: A Town Fit for Santa

Cheese Curd Heaven: This gooey, gravy-smothered fry dish is considered a national treasure.

2: Poutine Paradise

Welcome Aliens: The world's first designated UFO landing pad was built in St. Paul, Alberta.

3: UFO Landing Pad

Canadian Hoops: The basketball game was invented in 1891 by Canadian James Naismith.

4: Basketball's Birthplace

Man of Steel Connection: Superman co-creator Joe Shuster was born in Toronto.

5: Home to Superman

Brrrrr: Churchill, Manitoba, is known for its close encounters with these Arctic icons.

6: Polar Bear Capital

Sweet Treat: The layered, no-bake Nanaimo bar is an iconic Canadian dessert.

7: Nanaimo Bar Obsession

Canada proves there's always more to discover, from Santa's mail to Superman's roots!