Sleeping Giants:  8 Supervolcanoes That Could Change the World

16th April, 2024


Get ready to meet the planet's most explosive forces, capable of eruptions dwarfing anything in recorded history.

Located beneath Yellowstone National Park, famous for geysers and hot springs, but also hides huge magma deposits.

1: Yellowstone Caldera (USA)

Created the huge Lake Toba. The last super-eruption about 74,000 years ago is thought to have impacted global climate.

2: Toba Caldera (Indonesia)

Highly active! Most recent super-eruption about 26,500 years ago was Earth's largest known in the past 70,000 years.

3: Taupo Volcano (New Zealand)

Found in eastern California, this active volcanic area has the potential for destructive eruptions.

4: Long Valley Caldera (USA)

Found in New Mexico. Its last super-eruption created its characteristic circular shape.

5: Valles Caldera (USA)

Large caldera south of Kyushu Island. It's active, with smaller eruptions occurring frequently.

6: Aira Caldera (Japan)

Massive, complex caldera. Scientists are actively studying it.

6: La Pacana (Chile)

The 1815 eruption was huge and caused the 'Year Without a Summer' globally.

8: Mt. Tambora (Indonesia)