17th April, 2024
Bats are fascinating creatures with surprising secrets! Let's dive in…
A single bat can munch up to 1,000 insects in just one hour!
Some bats can live for over 30 years, long for such small creatures.
Bats use complex vocalizations to communicate with each other.
Over 1,400 bat species exist, from the tiny bumblebee bat to the giant flying fox.
Bats are vital pollinators and munch on pesky insects, helping farmers and ecosystems.
Only 3 species out of 1300 bat species feed on blood – most prefer fruit and insects.
Bats hang upside down because it's easier to take flight that way!
This deadly fungus threatens bats. Avoid disturbing their hibernation sites to help.
Bats face threats like habitat loss. Learn how you can help conserve these amazing creatures.