America's Rock Stars: 6 Famous Geological Wonders

10th April, 2024


Get ready to meet the legendary landmarks shaped by wind, water, and time.

Jagged canyons and spires create an otherworldly landscape immortalized in countless films.

1: The Badlands, South Dakota

A sheer granite monolith and a favorite among rock climbers for its challenging ascent.

2: El Capitan, Yosemite National Park

Boasts over 2,000 sandstone arches, including the iconic Delicate Arch.

3: Arches National Park, Utah

The sculpted faces of four US Presidents carved into the Black Hills.

4: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

A unique, towering volcanic plug jutting into the sky, sacred to Native American tribes.

5: Devil's Tower, Wyoming

Classic western movie backdrop! Giant sandstone buttes rise from the desert floor.

6: Monument Valley, Arizona/Utah