Furry Knights & Distinguished Leaders: Animals with Honorary Titles

5th April, 2024


Forget royalty! Meet the animals who've earned impressive ranks and accolades for their service.

Brigadier of the Norwegian Royal Guard's mascot, an adorable King penguin.

1: Sir Nils Olav III, the Penguin Knight

Honorary private in the US Army, loyal companion to President Roosevelt.

2: Fala, the Presidential Pooch

Honorary Mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska for 20 years, a beloved feline figurehead.

3: Stubbs, the Cat Mayor

Military mascot to a Canadian Vet Unit in WWI, inspiring the beloved character Winnie the Pooh.

4: Winnipeg (Winnie) the Bear

Lance Corporal in the British Royal Welsh Regiment, a proud military mascot with a beard!

5: William "Billy" Windsor the Goat

Honorary Mayor of Sunol, California, representing the town with canine charm.

6: Bosco the dog of California

These stories prove honorary titles aren't just for humans. Animals sometimes hold the most distinguished roles!