Migratory Fish Species in Drastic Decline:  A New UN Report

1st March, 2024


A new report issued by the United Nations highlights the alarming state of migratory fish populations around the globe. ●  Crucial to ecosystems and human food security, these fish face unprecedented threats.

What are Migratory Fish?

Migratory fish travel long distances between freshwater and saltwater habitats for breeding, feeding, or other lifecycle stages. ●  Examples include salmon, eels, sturgeon, shad, and herring.

Key Findings of the Report

● On average, populations of migratory fish tracked by the UN have declined by 90% since 1970. ● Some species face a much steeper decline, with populations reduced by up to 99%.

Key Findings of the Report

The main culprits include: ◆ Overfishing, ◆ Dams and other barriers blocking the migration route, ◆Dams and other barriers blocking the migration route, ◆ Climate change

Why Does This Matter?

Migratory fish are vital components of freshwater and marine ecosystems. ●  They provide a food source for countless other species, including humans.  Their decline has cascading effects on food webs and ecological balance. ●  Millions of people, especially in developing countries, rely on migratory fish for their livelihoods and food security.

What Can Be Done?

The UN report urges action to halt and reverse this decline:  Improving fisheries management and reducing overfishing.  Removing or modifying dams to restore migration pathways.  Tackling pollution and restoring degraded habitats.  International cooperation is essential, as many migratory fish cross national borders.

A Call for Urgent Action

The decline of migratory fish is a stark reminder of the human impact on our planet's ecosystems.

Without immediate action, we risk losing these iconic species and the benefits they provide, with far-reaching consequences.