Top 6  Deadliest Hurricanes  in U.S. history

21st February, 2024


Natural disasters like hurricanes can leave devastating impacts on communities. Let's look at the top 6 deadliest hurricanes in recorded U.S. history.

America's Deadliest Hurricanes

The Great Galveston Hurricane (1900)

Category 4 storm hitting Galveston, Texas. ●  Estimated fatalities: 8,000 - 12,000  It caused widespread destruction, significantly changing Galveston's infrastructure.

Lake Okeechobee Hurricane (1928)

A Category 4 hurricane devastated Florida, particularly around Lake Okeechobee. ● Estimated fatalities: 2,500 + Flooding from the storm surge resulted in the most tremendous loss of life.

Hurricane Katrina (2005)

● Category 5 storm (reduced to Category 3 at landfall), hitting Louisiana, Mississippi, and neighboring states. ● Estimated fatalities: 1,200 +  Levee failures in New Orleans led to catastrophic flooding.

Cheniere Caminanda Hurricane (1893)

● Category 4 storm hitting Louisiana. ● Estimated fatalities: 1,100- 1,400 The powerful storm surge caused most of the destruction and loss of life.

Sea Islands Hurricane (1893)

● Powerful Category 3 storms are affecting South Carolina and Georgia. ● Estimated fatalities: 1,000 - 2,000 This late-season hurricane brought a devastating storm surge and heavy rainfall.

Georgia and South Carolina Hurricane (1881)

While less specific, this storm, likely a Category 2, hit Georgia and South Carolina. ● Estimated fatalities: Approximately 700 Impact and details need to be better understood due to the less advanced records at the time.