Scorching Secrets:  Why Venus is the Hottest Planet, Not Mercury! 

 May 25th, 2024

Team LTG

Think the closest planet to the sun is the hottest? Think again! Prepare to have your mind melted by the true inferno of our solar system. 

As the closest planet to the sun, Mercury experiences extreme temperatures. But it's not the hottest!

Mercury: The Speedy Orb

Venus, the second planet from the sun, is actually the hottest, with average surface temperatures exceeding 860°F (460°C). 

Venus:  The Volcanic Inferno

Venus's thick atmosphere, mostly carbon dioxide, traps heat like a greenhouse, causing runaway temperatures. 

The Greenhouse Effect: Venus's Blanket of Heat

Venus's clouds aren't fluffy water vapor; they're composed of sulfuric acid, further contributing to the scorching environment. 

Sulfuric Acid Clouds

The atmospheric pressure on Venus is about 90 times that of Earth, enough to crush a human! 

Surface Pressure Crush

Venus is a volcanic world with hundreds of volcanoes, and evidence of massive lava flows. 

Volcanic Landscape

Venus spins on its axis very slowly, lasting one day longer than a year. 

Slow Rotation

The harsh conditions make Venus uninhabitable for humans, but scientists are exploring ways to explore its atmosphere. 

Could We Ever Live on Venus?

Despite the harsh environment, probes like Magellan have mapped Venus's surface, revealing its secrets. 

Exploration Challenges