6 Facts about the Eagle Nebula - the Pillars of Creation

29th January, 2024


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The Eagle Nebula, also known as M16, is one of the most awe-inspiring sights in the night sky. Home to the iconic "Pillars of Creation," this nebula is a vivid testament to the ongoing processes of stellar birth and evolution. Located in the constellation Serpens, it stands as a beacon.

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Discovered in 1745 by Jean-Philippe de Chéseaux, the Eagle Nebula is located 7,000 light-years away in the constellation Serpens

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Famous for the 'Pillars of Creation', towering columns of gas and dust where new stars are being born.

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The Pillars extend about 4 to 5 light-years, dwarfing our solar system.

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Composed of hydrogen gas and dust, the pillars are a nursery for new stars.

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Hubble's iconic 1995 image brought the Eagle Nebula to fame, revealing details unseen before.

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The Eagle Nebula is constantly changing; structures like the Pillars may have already been destroyed by supernova explosions.

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