13th February, 2024


Tigers, Lions, Leopards

India's iconic big cats are critically endangered and strictly protected.


These majestic creatures require vast open spaces that domestic environments just can't provide. 

Monkeys and Apes 

Many primate species are threatened, and their complex social needs are impossible to satisfy in a home setting. 


As symbols of resilience in the face of poaching, they belong in their natural habitat. 

Parrots  (Foreign breeds)

Several foreign parrot species cannot be kept due to trading restrictions and concerns about the illegal smuggling of exotic birds.

Other Exotic Birds 

Birds like Macaws, Cockatoos, and Toucans have specialized care needs that make them unsuitable for most homes. 

Large Snakes

Pythons, boas, and other large constrictors pose a safety risk and require specialist handling. 

Turtles and Tortoises

Many species are protected as they face threats of illegal trade for food and the pet market 

Venomous Reptiles

Snakes, lizards, or any animal capable of inflicting venomous bites pose a significant health hazard. 

Why These Restrictions?

● Biodiversity and Conservation: Protecting endemic and many endangered species is vital for India's natural heritage. Animal Welfare: Wild and exotic animals have complex needs that typical homes cannot address. Preventing Zoonotic Diseases: Animals can carry diseases transmissible to humans. Curbing Illegal Trade: Prohibitions help stop the cruel capture and sale of wildlife.