A Record-Breaking Jellyfish

The Giant of the Deep

18th February, 2024


Meet the Lion's Mane Jellyfish

This massive specimen was a lion's mane jellyfish, the largest known jellyfish species. Here's how big it was: ● Bell Diameter: Averaged 2.3 meters (7.5 feet)! ● Tentacles: Stretched an astonishing 36.5 meters (120 feet)! ● Deep Sea Wonder

Lion's mane jellyfish roam cold, northern Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans waters. It's rare to spot one of this record-breaking size, as larger specimens usually live far out at sea. 

Gentle Giants (with a Sting)

Despite their imposing appearance, lion's mane jellyfish are not aggressive hunters of humans.  Their long tentacles primarily capture smaller creatures like plankton and small fish. However, their sting can cause a painful reaction! 

Did you know? 

● A group of jellyfish is called a "smack"! ● Some jellyfish are bioluminescent – they can glow! ● The oldest jellyfish fossils date back over 500 million years.

Mysteries Remain

Much about jellyfish life remains unknown, especially when it comes to deep-sea giants like the record-breaking lion's mane. Each encounter, like the one in 1870, helps scientists further unravel the amazing mysteries of the ocean's depths.