Top 10 Deadliest Snakes  in the World 

16th February, 2024


Ranking snake "deadliness" involves factors like:

Venom Toxicity: Measured by LD50 (amount of venom to kill 50% of test mice), lower LD50 means higher toxicity. Venom Volume: How much venom is delivered per bite. Temperament: Aggressive snakes or those quick to defend themselves pose a greater danger. ●  Region: Human-snake encounter frequency matters; a highly venomous, shy, reclusive snake is less risky. 

Inland Taipan (Australia)

Often considered the world's most venomous LAND snake. Thankfully, it's shy and found in sparsely populated areas. 

Coastal Taipan  (Australia, New Guinea)

Large, high-yield venom and potentially aggressive if threatened. 

Eastern Brown Snake (Australia)

A  smaller snake, but very fast and defensive, and its venom is highly potent. Thrives in populated regions increasing danger. 

Belcher's Sea Snake  (Indo-Pacific)

With lethal venom, however, this marine snake is usually non-confrontational, and bites are rare. 

Saw-scaled Viper (Africa, Middle East, India)

Highly irritable with potent venom. It is responsible for more human deaths than other snakes due to its proximity to populations. 

Russell's Viper (Asia)

Found throughout Asia, it adapts well to human areas and has potent venom but is generally slow-moving unless alarmed. 

Black Mamba (Africa)

Not purely based on venom, their size, speed, aggression, and frequent human interaction lead to tragic bites. 

Tiger Snake (Australia)

Powerful neurotoxic venom. Varies geographically; some populations are highly toxic, while others are mildly so. 

Boomslang  (Sub-Saharan Africa)

Rear-fanged and slow venom action can lead to underestimating bite, causing fatalities. 

King Cobra (South/Southeast Asia)

The world's longest venomous snake, a single bite yields massive quantities of venom, leading to rapid incapacitation.