27th January, 2024
Area Found: Throughout India, mainly in the wild forests. Uniqueness: The national bird of India, is known for its vibrant plumage and spectacular fan-like tail adorned with iridescent spots.
Area Found: Western Ghats and Himalayan forests. Uniqueness: Known for its large size, bright yellow and black casque on its bill, and deep, resonant calls.
Area Found: Northern India, especially in Uttar Pradesh. Uniqueness: The tallest flying bird in the world, noted for its elegant courtship dances and strong pair bonds.
Area Found: Grasslands of Assam and Uttar Pradesh. Uniqueness: Critically endangered, known for its distinctive courtship display involving a series of high leaps.
Area Found: Himalayan regions of India. Uniqueness: State bird of Uttarakhand, famous for its multicolored plumage and iridescent feathers.
Area Found: Across the Indian subcontinent. Uniqueness: Brightly colored with a short tail and stout bill, known for its two-note whistling call.
Area Found: Central and Southern India Uniqueness: Notable for its long, flowing tail feathers and varied plumage colors among males and females.
Area Found: Western Himalayas Uniqueness: One of the most threatened pheasants, with a remarkable red and black speckled plumage.
Area Found: Wetlands across India Uniqueness: Known for its striking pink tertial feathers and large, heavy bill.
Area Found: Throughout India. Uniqueness: Resembles a hummingbird, known for its iridescent plumage and unique hovering feeding style.