Top 5 Mustard Producing state in India

12th February, 2024



The largest mustard producer in India. Districts like Bharatpur, Alwar, Jaipur, and Sriganganagar are major hubs for mustard cultivation.

Uttar Pradesh

A significant contributor, particularly its western and eastern regions. Mustard is essential to the state's culinary traditions.

Madhya Pradesh

Central India's climate and soil favor mustard cultivation in numerous districts, adding to the country's overall production. 


Haryana's fertile plains contribute significantly to mustard production. Many mustard oil mills are situated in the state.

West Bengal

While primarily known for rice production, certain regions of West Bengal also grow mustard crops.

Factors behind Dominance

Climate: These states are ideal for mustard with a cool, dry season for better growth. Soil: Their fertile alluvial and black soil types promote mustard cultivation. Irrigation: Developed irrigation systems aid mustard farming, especially in states like Rajasthan and Haryana.

Kerguelen Islands (French Territory)

Nicknamed the "Desolation Islands," these windswept islands in the Indian Ocean boast rugged landscapes and abundant wildlife.

Easter Island (Chile)

Famous for its Moai statues, reaching this remote island in the Pacific is a journey, adding to its mystique.

Svalbard, Norway

Far north in the Arctic, this archipelago offers otherworldly landscapes with glaciers, polar bears, and the midnight sun in summer.

Socotra Island, Yemen

Unique biodiversity thrives on this isolated island. Its otherworldly dragon's blood trees and desert landscapes create a sense of being on another planet.

La Rinconada, Peru

Unique biodiversity thrives on this isolated island. Its otherworldly dragon's blood trees and desert landscapes create a sense of being on another planet.